God’s Interfaith Food Table (GIFT) is a corporation of Berlin churches organized to provide regular food distribution to those in need.
Learn more about GIFT on their website.
If you would like to be a part of feeding our neighbors, please call the church office at (856) 767-0650
Food Distribution Schedule:
1st & 3rd Wednesday mornings from 9-10:30am
2nd & 4th Thursday afternoons from 4-5:30pm

Supporting One Another
Supporting One Another ~
Baby Pantry
Open the first Monday of each month at 6:30pm, providing diapers, wipes, and gently used clothing for infants and toddlers.
It is run by Carolyn Maloney. A long time member of our church.
If you need the pantry other than the time she is here, contact the office officemgr@hclchurch.org
Sharing God’s love through home visits
If you are interested in becoming a Shepherd or would like a visit from someone on our team, please reach out to Pastor Sara at pastor@hclchurch.org.
AA meets Monday & Tuesday nights at 7:30pm in the Social Hall.
NA meets Wednesday at 7:30pm in the Social Hall.